So Samson is officially a man! We bred him for the first time yesterday! Sweet he finally got some action and next year we will have little Samsons! YAY! We bred him to Indy and will also breed him to Ann, and Fanny this month when they come in heat. My little boy is all grown up:(
This was the most interesting weekend ever! I rode Dressage on both my horses in the rain on Friday coming in 2nd on Tainy in Prelim Rider and 1st on Indy in Novice horse. On Saturday the storm was so bad they cancelled all competitions! So on Sunday we ran Stadium back to back with our Cross Country. Tainy had 5 rails in Stadium, which was odd she never knocks rails! That's 20 penalty points ugh:( I think it was the studs I had to put in her shoes for cross country that moved us down to 8th place then we ran Cross Country and she was clean YAY! well 2.6 time penalties but everyone had time the course was so muddy! That moved her back up to our final placing of 3rd and that was only her 2nd Prelim ever! She is a cross country machine now I have never been so happy as I was after that ride! Here are the videos of Tainy's water jumps:)
Indy was a bit of a handful in Stadium and on Cross Country but she was double clean and stayed in 1st place no surprise there with that horse she is a jumping machine and she just likes to win it think! So while it was a wet crazy weekend it was a very successful weekend and I met some great new people as well! Here's Indy's Stadium and some X-Country as well.
This is Gia traversing the manure pile! It's hard when your legs are so wobbly
So they say to look at babies at 3 Days, 3Months and 3Years. And nothing inbetween so I took Miss Gia out to play today and could not help but take some video and some pics since she is now officially 3 days old!
I love this picture one of my fav's thus far!
Sorry these videos aren't the greatest i was doing them on my phone and could not see a thing I was videoing and Ann (Mama) was not helping the situation at all! Mares!
So one weekend my mother and I went up to Fort Rucker to school their cross country course. I of course am always pushing her calling her a wimp and she is always trying to survive my "You can do it's!" So she was having a case of "I can't do it, the pony cant do it." So I took the pony down over the water jump and she did it on my mare, convincing her that see the pony can do it and you can do it so now y'all can do it and they did the first time.......not so much the second time the pony stumbled and dropped his neck throwing my mom into the water jump (while he remained clean of course) this is how she came out looking (don't worry I made her get back on and do it again there's no crying in riding!) I love you mom and thanks for everything if it weren't for you none of this would be possible you truly are amazing and always remember YOU CAN DO IT :)
So my mom and I sat and talked and came up with a name Grand Anticipation and we are going to call her Gia:) Hope you all enjoy even you non-horse people you can't resist a precious baby!
I went down to the barn to feed my horses this morning only to find our new little baby girl! We have not picked out a name yet but it has to start with a G (open for ideas) but she is perfect had a little trouble nursing at first (I think cause she's so big) so we had to give her milk for a while but I think she may have it now still a little concerned. The mom (Ann) is doing great very watchful of her new little one although. Looks like she is going to be a gray (I love grays!) I am already head over hills for her, she just seems very special already. But I was so excited I had to get the video up ASAP! I will keep her baby book up to date on my blog and have pics up tonight as well! I love babies, it's amazing, I am so blessed if there is a little piece of here heaven on earth it is here on my farm :)
Sollte is a new young horse full of personality that I received in training last month he is a 4yr old Oldenburg who is about 16'2. He is coming right along and is already cantering both directions in the round pen. He is quite the jumper i am told so I am very excited to keep bringing him along, he is also a fancy little mover and he is for sale so spread the word he's going to make a great event horse!!!! But anyway his owner sent me this picture of he and I trotting last weekend so I thought I should post it; it's fun to see the babies come around.
Margaret just posted this picture on her Facebook from the Fort Rucker Show of me and Emily and it was so darn cute I had to post it! Oh and side note for everyone who doesn't know how good lookin my neices and nephews are they just got new family pics done AMAZING! Check them out on their link Clint and Becky under my friends!
Tainy on Cross Country (and to think she used to HATE water)Don't blow this picture up or you'll notice my eyes are down woops:)
This weekend was my horse show at Fort Rucker. Little Emily Sealy came down and was entered in Beginner Novice Junior. I had 2 horse competing Indy in Beginner Novice Sr. and Tainy at her very first Prelim also my first Prelim in well 5 years! The bad thing about riding Prelim is sense it's a higher division you always have the earliest ride times for dressage! Needless to say it was for the better this time our dressage went well and she was in 2nd after dressage then it was Em's turn for dressage so I warmed her up and she warmed up BEAUTIFULLY! I've never seen her ride so well or her pony look SO GOOD! Finally it was her turn and she was about to enter the ring when it started thundering and lightning and they called the show on hold. That's where the whole day went askew! By the time the show started again I had to ride cross country and Em had to rush back into the ring with no help and through all the mayhem was not able to regain what she had in warm up for her test unfortunately. I was off on my first Prelim cross country in 5 years and Tainy's first Prelim ever and she was WONDERFUL! Except I missed jump 16! Unbelievable I was eliminated! I was so happy with her though that I couldn't event kick myself in the butt! There's always next time and now I know she can do it:) I jumped off Tainy and was up to ride Indy Dressage which would have been beautiful had we not been hit with a golf ball 2 times but the judge was very understanding and we still received a very low score of a 27% putting us in 2nd place! Here's a beautiful picture of Indy doing what she does best...Being Beautiful Of Course!
Indy on Cross Country A Jumping Star
Meanwhile my mom had to literally RUN the cross country course with Emily before she rode while Margret and I tacked up her pony and Indy for cross country cause they kept changing the times on us due to the storm. What a disaster! Poor Emily missed the last jump on course unfortunately and was also eliminated, but she and I were both given permission to Show Jump on Sunday which was nice.
Here's Emily on Cross Country on her adorable pony:)
I had no time to walk Indy's course so my wonderful mom told me the course the best she could and I set out on Indy to have a wonderful ride and not miss a single jump:) Maybe I shouldn't have walked my other course lol:) We awoke to snow flurries on Sunday for show jumping and miserable cold! But the day was a success Emily show jumped absolutely beautifully, Indy was a star as always and finished on her score of 27% keeping her 2nd place and Tainy had one of the most beautiful show jumping rounds ever!
Need I really say anything look how beautiful she is? My baby girl!
I know for some of you this boring and/or makes no sense so hopefully the pics and video make it a little better for the horse illiterates out there:) Unfortunately my mom forgot to push record on Indy's show jumping so all I have is Tainy's. Although it's no question who's the favorite child in this barn:)
I have all this stuff posted about my animals that I wanted to take a moment and just let everyone know what an amazing family I have and how blessed I am to have them in my life! In November I was blessed with the opportunity to go to Wisconsin and visit my brother (he's in medical school out there) and his family shortly after his wife had the new baby #3 little Gavin John Wooten. I wasn't blogging at the time so I wanted to post some of the pictures from the trip and just let everyone know how truly amazing they are! My neice who is my mini me is now 6 and in Kindergarten, my nephew Garret the musical prodigy will be 4 shortly and is in Pre-School and then the new baby Gavin now 4 months. My sister-in-law is beautiful and amazing I don't know how she does it I was fine when they had just the 2 but adding that 3rd kid takes it to a whole nother level! And of course I love my brother I mean I have to I'm stuck with him:) I had a blast though swimming, eating McDonalds for breakfast ok and maybe lunch, baking, playing super heros, shopping, beating my brother at Skip-Bo over and over and over again (when your good your good).
The Wooten Boys (notice the remote in Clint's hand that's usually where it stays)
The new little baby, I had forgotten how small they were; I was even nervous to hold him at first but oh so precious! Me and Gracie Lou Who she's such a true angel!
Me and Garrett (I had to bribe him with candy to take this picture with me but it turned out adorable!)
Me and the kids at the pool man they love to swim! Grace is quite the fish!
I took the kids to swimming lessons and swam with them while Beck stayed home with the new baby. Well, I finally got Garrett to swim on his own for the first time ever so we had to video it for Mom and Dad to see. He was so proud of himself; you can tell by the smile on his face! (Although he's not actually swimming just running in the water atleast he wasn't holding on to me or the rail which was a big deal for him.)
Chiquita my little Chihuahua who has been the apple of my eye sense the day we got her my Junior year in HS. She turned 8 this year on my brothers birthday Dec. 27th and we have had her longer then any dog now so I just had to do a little tribute to her because she is so precious and has been such an inspiration to many (Ashley who now has Jez and the Sealy's who now have Batman both chihuahua). Quita is sure she was supposed to be my moms dog; she absolutely adores my mom and Margaret but still loves me from time to time! She is like no other Chihuahua she's a total barn dog and loves to jump the cross country jumps and thinks she owns any horse show we go to! She has tolerated plenty of children through out the years with only a bite here or there (sorry Grace). She was a companion to my Grandfather in his last year as well. She has lived in 4 different states (more then most people). She's quite the dog I must say; she is the best driving partner, my favorite cuddle partner and my very own space heater! Love you Quita! This is when my Grandpa had her and she lived on cheeseburgers! She went from 6lbs to 11.5 lbs while he owned her she is now down to 8lbs:)
Quita at the horse show helping herself to the horses water bucket
Quita all packed up in Giles suitcase ready to go (she'll make a bed out of anything confy and warm)
I love this picture, on the ride home from a horse show exhausted, the spoiled little princess, with her pillow and a down comforter; life doesn't get much better then this. In my next life I'm coming back as a chihuahua!
So we woke up this morning to get ready for our horse show and yes it was snowing in FLORIDA in March!!!! And when we got to the show there were still snow flurries! AHHH! Not to mention it was miserably cold; I do believe that is why we moved to Florida away from Utah in the first place; to get away from the snow and the cold. But for all you people who think it doesn't get cold in Florida it does and we had snow to prove it! Granted we did not have to shovel any driveways so sorry to those of you who are out with the shovels and snowblowers in the morning I guess we're not quite that cold.
So school is going great! I love learning and I'm glad I made the decision to go back. I think I am up for taking more then 2 classes next semester though. Getting read to study for Mid-Terms next weeks but so far things are going good! I got 107% on my first math test and a 102% on my 2nd math test; as well as a 98% on my English paper so all is going well! As far as the horses we have 2 new additions here at the barn in for training a 3yr old mare Windemere and a 4yr old gelding Sollte both here to be broke and both lovely horses. I am very excited; although, it has definitely added to the work load around here. It is a little bit wearing on my mom and I but it is definitely worth it. Pat Doyle's little Remington, that I train, did his first show at WBS on the 14th of February and was a SUPER STAR he got 2nd in his Training Level 4 test and 2nd in Beginner Novice combined test he also recieved a 1st in the show jumping course!!! I am so proud of him he has come such a long way! Here are a couple pics from his 1st show:) Did I mention he LOVES to jump! (So do I)
I Took a trip to GA last weekend and had a blast with the girls dinner and dancing and gossiping! Love you guys thanks for the good weekend. We decided that we are going to have to do a book club (give me an excuse to visit more often:) I also took 2 lessons with Mike Winter (Olympic Event Rider) while I was up there on Indy and Tainy; it was amazing! I learned a ton and I think my horses did too; although, they got their fannies worked! (Don't know if anyone noticed but I'm practicing my punctuation on my blog; mid-term next week!)